Thursday, August 25, 2016

Week 7 EOC Chocolate Pitch

My pitch will be based around the concept of a chocolate barbecue sauce. This is more of a general term when I say 'barbecue' because the sauce would be used for several things. Things such as dips for mostly red meats, marinades, and possibly for chicken as well but I feel as though the chocolate may be a little too strong for the otherwise flavorless white meats. The hardest part would be to make the sauce savory instead of sweet as the main ingredient in most barbecue sauces is corn syrup. So It may have to resemble more of a wing sauce where the main ingredients are just vinegar, salt, and tomatoes/chilis (in this case it would be chocolate). The flavor would rely more on the savory side as well as the bitterness of the chocolate and would resemble more of a dark chocolate theme to it. The target audience would be middle aged men and/or their wives. These are the most likely to buy meats and use a product like this. I say for the women because most men have their sauce they like and use it exclusively. But women love chocolate and would be more likely to try a new product such as this. So we have to make it somewhat gender neutral and eye catching at the same time. Advertisement space would be fairly good on radio and on certain channels on T.V. since this demographic typically has more money and their leisure time is on these mediums.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Week 6 EOC Me X 3

So to list three specific things that would define me and my character in general would be fairly hard to narrow down. Like most people, a few objects that I am very fond of come to mind, but thinking more on it I think some of them do not really say much about me theyre just things I buy to have something to do. My first object would be my computer first and foremost. I spend most of my day on it and invest a lot of time and money into improving and utilizing it. I need it for both entertainment values as well as professionally. It holds my software and networking as well. The second object would be my guitar. I have two but I use my electric, light blue, Godman guitar which is a fender mimic brand. It's what motivated me to pursue a career in audio. (I would list the specs for my computer but I built it myself and it is comprised of many brands, non of which I have any particular loyalty to.) And my last object would be my toothpaste. It sounds weird, but I do not like Colgate toothpaste. I prefer the Crest Prohealth type brand and it's because of how good it makes me feel for using it. It feels the most effective and I go out of my way just to obtain it over other brands. Sure there are more practical things I use in my house like the TV or Bluetooth speakers and other high tech gadgets, but I don't know any by brand and the actual company means nothing to me in particular other than those three. Godman isn't particularly good, but it was my first, my computer is mostly NVidia and Intel based which are companies I've always used, and Crest is a brand I do use and seek out on my own.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Week 4 EOC: New App

The app I would like to see developed would be an app that records the sounds from the guitar or other instruments and transposes the sound into a music sheet as well as tablature. That would make it easy for musicians to play freely and look back at the pieces they made in case they wanted to save it for a later date. The market for an app like this would be fairly small, but there are still quite a few people who want to learn an instrument but might not have the tools necessary and an app like this would encourage it much like the "GuitarSmith" program for consoles.